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Why Do Metals Matter?

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Why Do Metals Matter?

Metals are substances, combinations, or alloys that, in their solid state, are usually hard. Their glossy look, malleability, ductility, fusibility, electrical and thermal conductivity, and fusibility are typically what define them.

Metals make up more than 75% of the elements in the periodic table. Even though we usually associate metals with the completed products we consume, their origins lie beneath the surface of the planet. In the earth's crust, certain elements like iron and aluminum are widely distributed, while others like palladium and gold are incredibly scarce.

However, a great deal of labor and energy are needed to produce even the most basic materials. Because of their physical characteristics, metals are perfect as raw materials for construction and manufacture of many everyday necessities.

Metals are used in the construction industry to create homes, offices, trains, bridges, and airports. The production metals are used in the manufacturing of many different products, including cars, electronics, jewelry, cookware, dental equipment, protective shielding, and cutlery. Metals are also used in the energy and storage sectors. They are essential parts of the manufacturing process for batteries and are even essential to the process of producing nuclear energy.

Which Types of Metals Are There?

Generally speaking, metals fall into one of two categories:

Rare, naturally occurring metallic elements are known as precious metals.

Base metals are metals that are frequently utilized in industrial and commercial settings.

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