Collateral & Financial Management

Our clients can acquire shares in companies that are listed on foreign stock markets.


Typical Acceptable Resources and Collateral

Every day, Capital Finance Clearing oversees billions of dollars in order to preserve performance bonds and margins and balance accounts.


With the help of a comprehensive collateral management program from Capital Finance Clearing, market players can meet collateral requirements with a wide range of acceptable assets while lowering concentration risk. The broad collateral portfolio of Capital Finance Clearing offers effective and affordable solutions for the collateral management requirements of Clearing Members and end clients.

You may achieve your goals using Financial Outsourcing.

Under Capital Finance Rule 930.C., customers of Clearing Member Firms may deposit acceptable performance bonds. The website discloses collateral acceptance rules that are specific to clearing members and Capital Finance account holders who have clearing members should discuss the collateral acceptance conditions with their clearing member.

Chief Investment Officer Services Provided by Outside Parties

The financial industry has seen an increase in the use of Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) services as companies look for more effective and knowledgeable ways to manage their investment portfolios.

Contact us to arrange a call.

Our group of specialists provides 24-hour maintenance on all of your assets at no additional cost. Contact us now for a more in-depth explanation of our services.